Friday 17 August 2012

Tomorrow we head to Kilimanjaro


I started writing a blog a few days ago that was supposed to convey my excitement about going, but instead it ended up as a rant about how annoyed I was with the organisation of the trip, etc. etc., bla bla bla bla bla. I haven't posted it. Yet...

So this blog is going to be much more upbeat because I got all that other stuff off my chest, and I will ensure that all the bad stuff is fed back to the organisers at a point when I'm less likely to just rant, instead of providing something constructive.

Tomorrow, we (myself and some other people, the total number I don't remember) are flying to Africa. We're about to embark on a great challenge; to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro. Of course, it'll be less like conquering and more like getting to the top without major incidents. Although, I might bring a Kajsa World flag and leave it at the top. After all, we all know that once you plant your flag somewhere, it's yours. That's what Eddie Izzard said anyway. So I need a flag!! Oooooh, how exciting! Could someone creative please design me a Kajsa World flag? That'd be awesome, thanks. It mustn't have any writing on it, I don't think that's allowed, is it? Oh wait, Mexico's and Brazil's flags have writing on... Ok, then I guess it's ok.

I was talked in to this ridiculous adventure by my friend Hilary while I was out walking some dogs last September. Shortly after, I went for a chiropractic treatment at my friend Naomi's clinic, who promptly suggested she'd like to come on this trek too. Ever since then we have been obsessed with this stupid mountain! We've fundraised... we organised a business & music festival, with varying degrees of success... we cycled an exercise bike in central Nottingham with a gas mask on (does anyone want to buy a gas mask? Used once.)... I collected money for 4 hours in the pouring rain outside Loughborough Uni (poor Bumble was not a happy girl)... I collected money in the scorching sunshine outside Leicester's Highcross Shopping Centre... I've planked in some of the most ridiculous places anyone could think of. But between us, Naomi and I have raised over £5000 for Practical Action, an amazing charity! And we're still friends... So I just want to say a huge THANK YOU!!!!! to everyone who donated - you'll be please to know we will no longer be hounding you for money...

But what awaits us when we reach the foot of Kilimanjingalong? Well, I don't really know exactly. I've packed all the gear so I've got a fair idea, but I guess that's part of the fun, not knowing what will happen? Please tell me it is. Please.

I love packing stuff. I created a Kili Gear spreadsheet that contains a list of everything I've got with me, where they go (bag-wise) for each stage of the trip, etc. I think it took longer to create the spreadsheet than it did to pack, which is a sign of an EXCELLENT spreadsheet. And now I'm getting quite excited about going. But I don't think it's really hit me that I am going yet. Although I got a step further when I had a go with the Shewee. It was successful, no spillages as far as I could tell.
Around this time next week, I'll be (hopefully) nearing the top of Mount Kilimanjaro - I'm guessing it will have sunk in by then... So for now, wish me luck!! xx

1 comment:

  1. Good luck honey and do not forget the gloves, love you and got a tummy full of butterflies just thinking of your adventure, puss o kram
