Monday 18 June 2012

Cheese please

(please read this blog in 0.5x the regular speed you would read it at)

I'm so excited I could eat my own head!!

I'm having breakfast for dinner! No, wait, that deserves two exclamation marks!! I'm having breakfast for dinner!! I LOVE having breakfast for dinner! I'm going to have bread and cheese and yoghurt. Norwegian cheese... Now there's an interesting cheese they do here in Norway, it's brown in colour and tastes a little bit peculiar. But I like it. If anyone would like to try some, let me know and I'll bring some back to the UK, but you have to pick it up from me in Nottingham, this isn't a dog damn delivery service!! Jeez. Here's a picture of the cheese (strawberries have to be bought separately as far as I know):

This isn't the cheese I'm having for dinner though, I'm not feeling that adventurous! My cheese is called something else and is regular cheese colour but it's all the way out in the kitchen and I'm in the bedroom because my laptop is charging. Actually, I'm pretty hungry, I think I'm gonna go to the kitchen and make my breakfast dinner. Please hold....................................... (Oh, btw, I'm going to see Prometheus in 3D tomorrow evening, fyi. Keep holding.)

Right, I'm back! The cheese I'm now eating is good old Jarlsberg. And the yoghurt I bought turned out to not be yoghurt at all but some kind of drink. It doesn't taste great and the whole dinner has now turned into a bit of an anti climax. Still, got Martini for dessert! Are you supposed to keep Martini in the fridge?

So, now that I've finished my dinner, I would like to discuss automatic doors. You know, the sliding ones. Actually, doesn't have to be the sliding ones. Do you think they're priced according to how quickly they open? If so, the doors here in Oslo must be really cheap (x3 for Norway prices). Personally, I think that automatic doors should be rated according to how fast you would have to run to bang in to it. Perhaps in kph rather than mph so it can be universal. Hmm, but I don't know how fast I walk in kph, so I'd have to convert... At the airport I reckon we have doors rated 3 - they're pretty crappy and slow and I often have to stop abruptly to not walk into them (I know, seems strange to think I haven't, huh?). But on the other hand, shopping centres tend to have faster ones, maybe even a 7 or 8-rated door. Perhaps the sensors are directed further away.

Automatic doors can be quite scary, especially if they start to close on you as you're walking through. Always makes me jump. In fact, at the airport yesterday I think I flew about an inch (2.54cm) into the air when the little barrier in the airlock started closing on me. It's quite noisy and very fast. Ok, it's not really an airlock, obviously, but there's a bit just before you go into the baggage hall that's the point of no return. Brussels and Copenhagen airport have them too. Haven't seen any in Heathrow or Birmingham, but they have those freaky e-passport gates, and they have scary barriers too.

So if you regularly have to go through automatic doors, maybe at work, maybe at your local shop, please could test their rating, in kph? That would be great, thanks.

Lastly, saw these guys this morning:

Aaaawwww... (any Swedish-speaking people will probably find 'gratis klemmer' amusing.)

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