Wednesday 30 May 2012

Bieber Fever

As Bieber Fever sweeps Oslo, I ask myself; "why have I grown another appendix?". The two are, of course, unrelated, but they are also both current bits of information.

But of course I am fully aware that I haven't actually grown another appendix, having had mine taken out at the age of 14 or 15, but it certainly feels like I have, and that it's got some -itis going on. On Sunday I drank rather a lot of wine, and have been in serious to moderate pain ever since. My stomach also seems to have ballooned to twice it's normal size. I'm not sure why this is happening, but I'm fairly sure it's related to wine and cannon balls. When I say cannon balls, I mean cinnamon rolls.

Anyhoo... Got myself a new ring at Copenhagen Airport today. A gift to myself if you will. Well, nobody else is buying me gifts, so why the hell not!? It's yellow and cream and diamond coloured, but all retro and stuff. It is also my plan to get a pair of retro spectacles, a bit like my dad has. I've realised I'm a lot like my dad. I have his memory (could be literally coz he doesn't remember anything either), I'm easily distracted, and there are also other similarities that involve clip-on mobile phone cases, and then the spectacles. I think it will make me look rather intelligent, something I probably don't at the moment. Maybe I should dye my hair brown as well. Anyone have any thoughts on this matter?

Good grief, the neighbours here in Oslo are being rather loud this evening. SHUT THE &!%K UP!! People are trying to blog in here!!!! Jeeeez. Sorry for swearing.

And maybe a suit. Should I don a suit too? I bet then the air stewardess wouldn't ask me what seat I'm in when I board the plane first. I can feel a challenge coming on... How exciting!! I could become all professional and stuff! I have another, air travel related, challenge that I failed today. I extend it to you also. When coming in to land at any destination during daylight hours, you must spot a golf course. That's it. Easy peasy. But today, coming in to land at Oslo, I failed. It was a dark hour indeed. Well, 10 minutes anyway.

Here's a picture of my new ring. Stop it, it's not rude.

And here's a picture of a Justin Bieber, because it's apt. There's no picture of my regrown appendix, you'll be pleased to know. Unless my regrown appendix looks like Bieber. It's quite possible.

Take care,

P.S. There's a girl shouting at a guy next door but I think it's over t'internet.

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