Wednesday 23 April 2014

Liverpool - day whogivesamonkeys

Random blog. I'm in Liverpool, for work. It's huge. I don't mean that the city is huge, but everything in it! Huge buildings, huge statues, huge pavements... Yes, the pavements are huge. Not all of them, I'm pretty sure, even though I've not seen all of them, or even a fraction, but I'd say the ones that count are huge. I went for a run this evening, and I walked on them yesterday from the station, so I'd say that makes me somewhat of an expert on Liverpool pavement sizes.

I nearly passed out after my run, and I wasn't even going that fast. Had done a gym workout first, though not a hard one, but I was knackered! My run route was along the river Mersey (I guess, don't laugh at me if it's not the Mersey, though I'll check in a sec and delete this sentence if I was wrong so you'll never know anyway), and it was pretty awesome. There was no real wind to speak of, which is weird as it was really windy earlier, so the Mersey was pretty still. But huge. The waves were the same as, say, the Trent, but huge. I don't mean that they were high, they were wide. Oh, forget it, it's too difficult to explain and I don't have a picture.

Apparently there's a ferry that goes across to the Wirral, so I might make my way over there next week or the week after if I get a chance. If only I was on a bike tour here instead of with work. Then I'd have a lot of time to do important stuff like that.

I'm staying at the Crowne Plaza, just like I did in Kyoto, but that one was better. Simply the fact that it was in Kyoto meant that it'd win that battle. Though this one is ok, I guess. It's got a pool, but it's 18 metres, which means a swim session becomes less of a swim session and more of a maths session. My first swim training session of the week was supposed to be 300m, rest, 275m, rest, 250m, rest, etc until 0. Yeah, right. Like that's gonna happen in an 18m pool. I have my Garmin, and that will tell you how far you've gone if it knows the pool length, and it even has a custom length setting. That goes down to 20m... So yesterday I did 100 lengths, in record time, and this morning I did 10 x 6 lengths. That's 158 push-offs between lengths, if I did my maths session correctly. Maybe that's why my run was hard this evening. Or maybe that was because of the hunger. Always bloody hungry!!

Just to finish this blog off, here's a picture out of the window of my hotel room.

And here's a picture from Google maps that I saw while looking for a London bike shop. Cool, eh?

And here's a picture of my dinner, I know you love seeing the food.



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